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Merveilleux voyage, merci de le partager

2 weeks ago

📸 : Nico Draps Photography

Merci à la STIB
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📸 : Nico Draps Photography

Merci à la STIB ✨

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Quel voyage!Quelle voix!Quelle musique!Bravo!

🇧🇷 Saudades dos Brasil ! 🥹

🔙 It's been two weeks since the tour ended...and we'd already like to do it all over again! ✨️
But we're lucky enough to have a few videos made by our cellist, Cyril Simon, to take us back into this fabulous adventure! Here's the first episode...🎬

Rosas ao Verde Mar Consulado Geral da Bélgica no Rio de Janeiro Aliança Francesa Rio de Janeiro Embaixada da Bélgica - Brasil Aliança Francesa Salvador Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles/Officiel Wallonie-Bruxelles International Sesc DF Teatro Dos Bancários Aldeia Multiétnica Clube do Choro de Brasília CCBB Rio de Janeiro Spedidam
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1 month ago

The end! 🎬

🇧🇷 Our Brazilian concert tour came to an end in Salvador: 1 concert in the magnificent Barroquinha⛪️, rich in history, 1 masterclass at the UFBA👩‍🎓👨‍🎓, 2 concerts at the Teatro Molière Aliança Francesa Salvador ...🇫🇷
and 3 standing ovations👏👏 😉

Thank you to everyone who contributed to this incredible tour...🙏🙏

Rosas ao Verde Mar Aliança Francesa Rio de Janeiro Consulado Geral da Bélgica no Rio de Janeiro Embaixada da Bélgica - Brasil Aliança Francesa Salvador Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles/Officiel Wallonie-Bruxelles International Sesc DF Aliança Francesa Rio de Janeiro Teatro Dos Bancários Aldeia Multiétnica Clube do Choro de Brasília CCBB Rio de Janeiro Spedidam
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The end! 🎬

🇧🇷 Our Brazilian concert tour came to an end in Salvador: 1 concert in the magnificent Barroquinha⛪️, rich in history, 1 masterclass at the UFBA👩‍🎓👨‍🎓, 2 concerts at the Teatro Molière Aliança Francesa Salvador ...🇫🇷
and 3 standing ovations👏👏 ;)

Thank you to everyone who contributed to this incredible tour...🙏🙏

Rosas ao Verde Mar  Aliança Francesa Rio de Janeiro    Consulado Geral da Bélgica no Rio de Janeiro    Embaixada da Bélgica - Brasil   Aliança Francesa Salvador  Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles/Officiel   Wallonie-Bruxelles International    Sesc DF   Aliança Francesa Rio de Janeiro  Teatro Dos Bancários     Aldeia Multiétnica   Clube do Choro de Brasília  CCBB Rio de Janeiro   SpedidamImage attachmentImage attachment+2Image attachment

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1 month ago

✨️ Today, our week in Brasília ends on a high note!

🎶 After having shared the stage with the brilliant group Choro Livre, at the Clube do Choro de Brasília, played at the Teatro dos Bancários, at the SESC in Taguatinga, we have the immense pleasure of giving two concerts at the @educa.ced619,public high school in Samambaia.👨‍🎓👩‍🎓

Thank you Brasília, Salvador, we're coming ! 🛫

Rosas ao Verde Mar Aliança Francesa Rio de Janeiro Consulado Geral da Bélgica no Rio de Janeiro Embaixada da Bélgica - Brasil Aliança Francesa Salvador Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles/Officiel Wallonie-Bruxelles International Sesc DF Aliança Francesa Rio de Janeiro Teatro Dos Bancários Aldeia Multiétnica Clube do Choro de Brasília CCBB Rio de Janeiro Spedidam
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✨️ Today, our week in Brasília ends on a high note!

🎶 After having shared the stage with the brilliant group Choro Livre, at the @clubedochoro, played at the Teatro dos Bancários, at the SESC in Taguatinga, we have the immense pleasure of giving two concerts at the @educa.ced619,public high school in Samambaia.👨‍🎓👩‍🎓

Thank you Brasília, Salvador, were coming ! 🛫

Rosas ao Verde Mar Aliança Francesa Rio de Janeiro   Consulado Geral da Bélgica no Rio de Janeiro  Embaixada da Bélgica - Brasil  Aliança Francesa Salvador    Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles/Officiel   Wallonie-Bruxelles International     Sesc DF   Aliança Francesa Rio de Janeiro  Teatro Dos Bancários    Aldeia Multiétnica   Clube do Choro de Brasília   CCBB Rio de Janeiro  SpedidamImage attachmentImage attachment+2Image attachment

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Félicitations pour cette tournée, toujours tournés vers la jeunesse

🌱 Yesterday, we played at a semi-open center for teenage girls in conflict with the law, in the suburbs of Brasilia. A moving and precious moment of sharing. 

Rosas ao Verde Mar  Aliança Francesa Rio de Janeiro   Consulado Geral da Bélgica no Rio de Janeiro   Embaixada da Bélgica - Brasil  Aliança Francesa Salvador   Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles/Officiel  Wallonie-Bruxelles International    Sesc DF    Aliança Francesa Rio de Janeiro Teatro Dos Bancários    Aldeia Multiétnica  Clube do Choro de Brasília  CCBB Rio de Janeiro  Spedidam

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The best overture we will ever have.
"It was very beautiful. I wish that we, indigenous people, have more opportunities to access moments like this. Congratulations to the quartet, the arrangements, the precision, and the execution." Thank you so much Gean Pankararu and Aldeia Multiétnica 🙏

Fernando De Almeida Barros

Rosas ao Verde Mar Teatro Molière Aliança Francesa Salvador Aliança Francesa Rio de Janeiro Embaixada da Bélgica - Brasil Aliança Francesa Salvador Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles/Officiel Wallonie-Bruxelles International Sesc DF Teatro Dos Bancários Clube do Choro de Brasília CCBB Rio de Janeiro Consulado Geral da Bélgica no Rio de Janeiro Spedidam Museu do Samba
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Sixth and last concert in Rio: at the Museu do Samba! With Nilcemar Nogueira  grand daughter of Cartola 🤩 What an honor.

Rosas ao Verde Mar  Aliança Francesa Rio de Janeiro  Consulado Geral da Bélgica no Rio de Janeiro  Embaixada da Bélgica - Brasil   Aliança Francesa Salvador  Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles/Officiel  Wallonie-Bruxelles International   Sesc DF    Teatro Dos Bancários    Aldeia Multiétnica   Clube do Choro de Brasília   CCBB Rio de Janeiro    SpedidamImage attachmentImage attachment+1Image attachment

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2 months ago

A look back at an incredible day... after climbing the Corcovado, another standing ovation for our concert at the Centro Cultural do Banco do Brasil !🤗
But we also had the honor of being invited to Rio de Janeiro's Opera House, the @teatromunicipal_rj , to attend Puccini's Triptych! A lot of emotion for one day.😅

Rosas ao Verde Mar Consulado Geral da Bélgica no Rio de Janeiro Aliança Francesa Rio de Janeiro Embaixada da Bélgica - Brasil Aliança Francesa Salvador Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles/Officiel Wallonie-Bruxelles International Sesc DF Teatro Dos Bancários Aldeia Multiétnica Clube do Choro de Brasília CCBB Rio de Janeiro Spedidam
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A look back at an incredible day... after climbing the Corcovado, another standing ovation for our concert at the Centro Cultural do Banco do Brasil !🤗
But we also had the honor of being invited to Rio de Janeiros Opera House, the @teatromunicipal_rj , to attend Puccinis Triptych! A lot of emotion for one day.😅

Rosas ao Verde Mar   Consulado Geral da Bélgica no Rio de Janeiro   Aliança Francesa Rio de Janeiro  Embaixada da Bélgica - Brasil   Aliança Francesa Salvador  Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles/Officiel  Wallonie-Bruxelles International  Sesc DF   Teatro Dos Bancários   Aldeia Multiétnica   Clube do Choro de Brasília   CCBB Rio de Janeiro   SpedidamImage attachmentImage attachment+2Image attachment

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2 months ago

🤩 Standing ovation for our first concert ! Many thanks to the Belgian Consulate in Rio de Janeiro, Caroline Mouchart and Emmanuel De Groof, for organizing this amazing event at @casag20rj to mark the Belgian national day and Brazil's G20 presidency 🇧🇷 🇧🇪

Rosas ao Verde Mar Consulado Geral da Bélgica no Rio de Janeiro Aliança Francesa Rio de Janeiro Embaixada da Bélgica - Brasil Aliança Francesa Salvador Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles/Officiel Wallonie-Bruxelles International Sesc DF Teatro Dos Bancários Aldeia Multiétnica Clube do Choro de Brasília CCBB Rio de Janeiro Spedidam
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🤩 Standing ovation for our first concert ! Many thanks to the Belgian Consulate in Rio de Janeiro, Caroline Mouchart and Emmanuel De Groof, for organizing this amazing event at @casag20rj to mark the Belgian national day and Brazils G20 presidency 🇧🇷 🇧🇪

Rosas ao Verde Mar  Consulado Geral da Bélgica no Rio de Janeiro  Aliança Francesa Rio de Janeiro Embaixada da Bélgica - Brasil  Aliança Francesa Salvador Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles/Officiel  Wallonie-Bruxelles International Sesc DF  Teatro Dos Bancários  Aldeia Multiétnica  Clube do Choro de Brasília  CCBB Rio de Janeiro  Spedidam

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🇧🇷 Let the Brazilian tour begin! 🥳 


Rosas ao Verde Mar Consulado Geral da Bélgica no Rio de Janeiro Aliança Francesa Rio de Janeiro Embaixada da Bélgica - Brasil Aliança Francesa Salvador Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles/Officiel Wallonie-Bruxelles International Sesc DF Teatro Dos Bancários Aldeia Multiétnica Clube do Choro de Brasília CCBB Rio de Janeiro Spedidam

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🎻Na próxima semana começa a turnê brasileira do Quarteto Akhtamar... & Bruno Resende, baixo-barítono!


O Quarteto Akhtamar apresenta « Rosas ao Verde Mar », um programa que conta com a participação de dois dos maiores nomes da música popular brasileira: Dorival Caymmi e Angenor « Cartola » de Oliveira. Há também momentos puramente instrumentais no cardápio, com corais de compositoras brasileiras como Chiquinha Gonzaga e Lina Pesce.

De 15 de julho a 4 de agosto
Rio de Janeiro (15/07-19/07)
Alto Paraíso de Goiás (20-21/07)
Brasília (22/07-29/07)
Salvador (30/07-4/08)

👇🏻Para mais informações, clique no link abaixo!👇🏻
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📃 Brazilian papers are talking about us 🤩

Bruno Silva Resende Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles/Officiel Wallonie-Bruxelles International Consulado Geral da Bélgica no Rio de Janeiro Christine Peterges Aliança Francesa Rio de Janeiro  CCBB Rio de Janeiro Rosas ao Verde Mar Margot Gillet

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Photos de la publication de Bruno Silva Resende ... Voir plusVoir moins

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Photos de la publication de Bruno Silva Resende ... Voir plusVoir moins

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2 months ago

Today in Brussels with Flagey Academy, 5.30pm 🎶
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Today in Brussels with Flagey Academy, 5.30pm 🎶

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[EN👇]On a besoin de vous🤗

🇧🇷 En soutenant notre tournée au Brésil vous contribuez à amener des concerts aux publics qui en sont habituellement éloignés👫 (Centre de semi-liberté pour adolescentes, rassemblement d’ethnies indigènes, etc.)...

🎼 mais aussi à la création d'un tout nouveau répertoire pour quatuor et basse-baryton, commandé spécialement pour la tournée !

🙏Même les plus petits dons nous sont très précieux...n'hésitez pas à partager un maximum!

🧐 Toutes les informations sur la tournée :
❕️Belgique: Bénéficiez d’une réduction d’impôts à partir de 40 € versés

We need your support 🤗

🇧🇷 By supporting our Brazilian tour you're helping to bring concerts to audiences who are usually far away from them👫 (semi-liberty centers for teenage girls, gatherings of indigenous ethnic groups, etc.)
🎼 but also to the creation of a brand-new repertoire for quartet and bass-baritone, commissioned especially for the tour!

🙏Even the smallest donations are very precious to us... and don't hesitate to share as much as you can!

🧐 All information about the tour:

❕️Belgique: Benefit from a tax reduction for donations of €40 or more.

Bruno Silva Resende Christine Peterges
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[EN👇]On a besoin de vous🤗

 🇧🇷 En soutenant notre tournée au Brésil vous contribuez à amener des concerts aux publics qui en sont habituellement éloignés👫 (Centre de semi-liberté pour adolescentes, rassemblement d’ethnies indigènes, etc.)...

🎼 mais aussi à la création dun tout nouveau répertoire pour quatuor et basse-baryton, commandé spécialement pour la tournée ! 

🙏Même les plus petits dons nous sont très précieux...nhésitez pas à partager un maximum!

🧐 Toutes les informations sur la tournée :
❕️Belgique: Bénéficiez d’une réduction d’impôts à partir de 40 € versés

We need your support 🤗

🇧🇷  By supporting our Brazilian tour youre helping to bring concerts to audiences who are usually far away from them👫 (semi-liberty centers for teenage girls, gatherings of indigenous ethnic groups, etc.)
🎼 but also to the creation of a brand-new repertoire for quartet and bass-baritone, commissioned especially for the tour! 

🙏Even the smallest donations are very precious to us... and dont hesitate to share as much as you can! 

🧐 All information about the tour:

❕️Belgique: Benefit from a tax reduction for donations of €40 or more.

Bruno Silva Resende Christine PetergesImage attachment

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3 months ago

👉 ... Voir plusVoir moins


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3 months ago

🎧 Écoutez le podcast de notre passage sur la matinale de Musiq3 - RTBF 😁

🎻On y parle du du concert ce samedi 22 juin 11h au Pavillon des Passions Humaines à Bruxelles ! Un concert unique en son genre, pour les petits et les grands 👨‍👩‍👧‍👧

C'est gratuit et sans réservation : arrivez tôt pour les meilleures places 😉

Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles/Officiel Conseil de la Musique Christine Peterges Cypres
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🎧 Écoutez le podcast de notre passage sur la matinale de Musiq3 - RTBF  😁

🎻On y parle du du concert ce samedi 22 juin 11h au Pavillon des Passions Humaines à Bruxelles ! Un concert unique en son genre, pour les petits et les grands 👨‍👩‍👧‍👧

Cest gratuit et sans réservation : arrivez tôt pour les meilleures places 😉

Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles/Officiel Conseil de la Musique Christine Peterges Cypres

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[EN👇]🎵🌳Dvořák op.106, Aujourd'hui 13h à Bruxelles *

🔊Les concerts sont gratuits, mais le nombre de participants est limité à 100. Veuillez arriver à l’avance et prendre place avant le début des représentations😉


*⛈️ En raison du mauvais temps, les concerts de ce lundi 17 juin au jeudi 20 juin auront exceptionnellement lieu à l'Info Hub à 13 heures, dans la salle de conférence du 1er étage.

European Parliament

🎶🌳Dvořák op.106, Today 1pm in Brussels *

🔊 Concerts are free of charge however, the number of attendees will be limited to 100. Please arrive early and take a seat before the performances begin😉


* ⛈️ Due to the bad weather, the concerts from Monday 17 June until Thursday 20 June will exceptionally take place at the Info Hub at 1 pm, in the Conference room on the 1st floor.

Christine Peterges Cléo Dahan Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles/Officiel Jennifer Pio Cyril Simon Coline Alecian Cypres
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[EN👇]🎵🌳Dvořák op.106, Aujourdhui 13h à Bruxelles *

🔊Les concerts sont gratuits, mais le nombre de participants est limité à 100. Veuillez arriver à l’avance et prendre place avant le début des représentations😉


*⛈️ En raison du mauvais temps, les concerts de ce lundi 17 juin au jeudi 20 juin auront exceptionnellement lieu à lInfo Hub à 13 heures, dans la salle de conférence du 1er étage.
European Parliament 

🎶🌳Dvořák op.106, Today 1pm in Brussels  *

🔊 Concerts are free of charge however, the number of attendees will be limited to 100. Please arrive early and take a seat before the performances begin😉


* ⛈️ Due to the bad weather, the concerts from Monday 17 June until Thursday 20 June will exceptionally take place at the Info Hub at 1 pm, in the Conference room on the 1st floor.

Christine Peterges Cléo Dahan Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles/Officiel Jennifer Pio Cyril Simon Coline Alecian Cypres

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