Enregistrement du troisième album à Arsonic A. Dvořák, quatuor op 106 J.Dabić, Anzhamanak
Program: Debussy, quartet opus 10 Enluminures, suite pour quatuor à cordes (with video), Judith Adler de Oliveira. In all areas of art, ancient works are visited by contemporary artists and adapted or transformed to speak to today’s world. Judith Adler de Oliviera has taken secular, Armenian themes and expressed them through music in a variety […]
Program: Debussy’s string quartet op. 10 was considered perturbing at the time on the Parisian music scene and has since become an absolute staple of quartet repertoire. It sweeps us along the most unexpected harmonic pathways and takes inspiration from sound-worlds as diverse as jazz, gamelan ensembles and Spanish folk music. Rich in colour and […]
Programme : Aujourd’hui un incontournable du répertoire, le quatuor opus 10 de Debussy a pourtant, en son temps, dérouté le public parisien. Il nous entraîne sur les chemins harmoniques les plus inattendus, s’inspirant de sonorités aussi diverses que le jazz, le gamelan ou encore la musique folklorique espagnole. Riche en couleurs et en tonalités exotiques, […]